"Storm at a Distance" stills:

percy as franklin

Percy Metcalf was Franklin Abrams

M. J. Losavio was Millie Abrams

M. J. Losavio was Millie Abrams

director seeks guidance

director seeks mentor?

director of photography is ready to go go go

DP Chris Witzke is ready to roll... Sound Recordist Nick Stevens consults Percy over a fine point in Leviticus... while M. J. is not so sure just what she's walking into.

Director's wardrobe?

Stephen says: "Nobody told me the director has to wear one of these... "

principal cast

Lead to co-star: "Are you ready for our bedroom scene?"

our man under the bed

Morris Shaw, our man under the bed emerges... But is he really awake?

new scene revelation?

"And then I want you to Ad Lib this new car chase sequence... "

DP tutors director

DP: "No, we can't SEE outside the box!"

director has last second revelation

director: "Before we actually shoot this thing, do I hafta join the guild?"

Harry and Tyrone at the scoring session

piano wizard Harry Pickens & the wonderful Tyrone Wheeler at the scoring session

drummer and trumpet player

Drummer extraordinaire Jason Tiemann with our star soloist Ansyn Banks

Percy sings

Percy gives the lyrics all due consideration

Jean sings

M. J. is a bit bemused by them as well...

enjoying the mix?

M. J.: "Is that really me singing?"  to recording engineers: Nick Stevens & Adam Halter @ Downtown Recording in Louisville

percy conducts

Duke who? As the scoring session spins out of control, conductor Percy steps in to save the day!

seeking the muse

and back where it all began, a writer seeks the muse...


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